Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

A Time to Mind Yourself


The reintroduction of level 5 had us all, students and teachers out of school we began to think of how since we first heard those words Covid -19.

How many of the normal things we that would do were no longer an option, and how that impacted us!! How we miss our family, friends and dare we say it school!! The impact of the lack of interaction had us thinking, how we feel about it all and what we could do to improve our mental health and mind ourselves.

We have come up with Top Tips to manage our well being, have a read and you may be inspired!

"I never thought I would want to actually go to school more in my life"

Walk out the front door of your house and you will be outside. Delete all social media from your iphone. Think not in the box but outside of the box.



My life has changed drastically during the lockdown. Although I liked not having school, the fact that we were confined between 4 walls was unfortunate. Online classes weren’t so bad, I could participate at the comfort of my own bed. My fitness did go down during the first 3 months, so I took the initiative to start going out and getting fresh air. I played tennis and other sports to keep up with the dire circumstances. Thankfully none of our family members got the virus.


In the past year we have all had difficulty dealing with all the stress that’s going on with on and off lockdown. The Covid 19 has changed a lot in our lives. We weren’t able to catch up with our friends and hang out with them anymore. All of this has played a vast role in our well-being. I know that for myself it was very tough with both my parents being front-line workers. It was the fear of catching it and spreading it to our loved ones, especially our grandparents as they are vulnerable


Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

© 2024 Coláiste Chraobh Abhann