Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

Student Services Payment

The Student Services Payment* covers the following essential services to students:

  1. Locker Rental Scheme
  2. Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
  3. Mock Examination Papers (3rd and 6th year)
  4. DATs - Student Aptitude Testing - (3rd Years only)
  5. Photocopying and Class Materials
  6. Subsidising buses etc.

The payment is due in the third term each year for the subsequent school year.

Payments can be made using the online payment software from the school's partner, Way2Pay.

Further Information on Way2Pay - Click Here

The single payment reduces the administration workload of the office staff as well as ensuring that students have all services available to them on their first day in school at the beginning of the new academic year.

Please note that payments and contributions collected from and on behalf of students may be used as part of a general fund to supplement learning resources for the school, including administration and operational requirements.

For your information, an overview of the the student services payments for each year group are outlined below:

Year Group Student Services Payment Due
1st Year €100
2nd Year €100
3rd Year €100
TY €500
LC Year 1 (5th Year) €100
LC Year 2 (6th Year) €100
LCA Year 1 (5th Year) €100
LCA Year 2 (6th Year) €100

Mar 25
Whole School Planning/ School Closed- No Students
Apr 07
Work Experience Week- TY
Apr 07
Global Issues Week
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

© 2025 Coláiste Chraobh Abhann