Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

School Calendar

Click here for a printout of the DES standardised school year for 2023-2024 to 2025-2026

This year's calendar is available in the student journal and may be removed by parents for reference at home.

In accordance with Department of Education and Skills circular 0079/2018 schools may close to students for two days in 2024/2025 for the following purposes:

1.Day 1 - to facilitate subject specific CPD delivered by JCT (cluster CPD event for CCA is 12 November 2023)

2. Day 2 -for whole-school planning /school self-evaluation (25 March 2024)

There is no school for students on these days.

Click Here to view the 2024-2025 School Calendar

Click Here to View the 2024-2025 Return Schedule for All Year Groups

Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

© 2024 Coláiste Chraobh Abhann