Admission Act: Changes to school admission processes
The new arrangements will apply to school admissions for the 2021/22 school year and subsequent years. The new arrangements will involve the following changes to school admission policies:
Admission Policy
All boards of management are required to draft a new admission policy in accordance with the act’s requirements following consultation with the patron, the staff of the school and parents of current pupils. The new policy must contain a statement that the school will not discriminate against an applicant for admission on any of a number of grounds specified. The new draft policy must be forwarded to the Patron for approval. On approval by the Patron the new school admission policy must be published by the school. The necessary steps are set out in the link below for your information.
Annual Admission Notice
Each board of management must also prepare an Annual Admission Notice outlining specific information in respect of the application process for admission to the school year in question. This notice must be published a minimum of 1 week prior to a school accepting applications for
Applications Process
Boards of management cannot accept applications prior to the 1st October in the year preceding the intake year.
Click here to download our Admissions Policy 2024-25