Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

School Reports

School Reports:

  1. Reporting

There are a variety of different methods whereby the results of formal and informal assessments will be reported to students and parents/guardians. Some examples of reporting to parents are listed below:

  • Student Journal

Students will record all continuous assessment results in their journals for all subjects and tabulate their progress in the charts provided. The teacher may communicate the outcome of any assessment to the parents/guardian of a student by writing a note in the student’s journal. The parent/guardian is expected to acknowledge receipt of this note by countersigning it. This must be countersigned by the parent/guardian to acknowledge receipt of the note, thus keeping lines of communication open with regard to academic progress.

  • Direct Contact

The teacher may decide, as they see fit, to contact the parent/guardian directly with respect to the outcome of any assessment undertaken by a student.

  • Signature of Parent on Assessment

The teacher may send the corrected assessment itself home with the student to be viewed and signed by the parent/guardian.

  • Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings

There are Parent/Teacher/Student meetings for all Year Groups throughout the academic year. At these meetings it will be possible for teachers to relay the outcomes of varying assessments to parents/guardians of individual students that generate an accurate picture of the student’s progress. Students, together with their parents/guardians have the opportunity to contribute to feedback with their teachers on their academic performance.

  • School Reports
  • Each student receives a minimum of 3 school reports per year.
  • 3rd and 6th years receive school reports at Halloween, Christmas and after the ‘Mocks’.
  • For all other year groups, reports will be issued at Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Summer.
  • Reports at Halloween and Easter are ’digital’ reports with hard copies of reports being posted to parents/students at Christmas and Summer time.
  • School reports are an important part of the communication between school and parents. They inform parents of student performance, effort, areas for improvement, behaviour, attendance and punctuality. Parents are encouraged to keep these reports as a record of their child’s progress in school.
  • Parental and Student access to school reports on VSware:

Parents may access VSware at any time to view their child’s academic progress and attendance record using their username and password provided by the school.

  1. Analysis of School Reports and Target Setting

A review of the Halloween, Christmas and Mock and Easter reports takes place within two weeks after the respective holiday breaks. The review occurs during tutorial and continues through the duration of period one. The Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads, and the Schools Guidance Counsellor will be available to meet with students at this time of the review. The Principal and Deputy Principal will meet with some students from year groups who have been referred on by the Year Head. Class Tutors meet with students to discuss and review their reports and the other students in the group set targets for the forthcoming assessments in their journal. Students should update their results analysis sheets by subject.


A detailed individual review of reports takes place with 5th & 6th Year Mentors & Mentees. These meetings are conducted as soon as possible after the relevant reports have been issued to ensure meaningful and timely reflection and goal setting. 5th & 6th year tutors can support this process by reviewing the reports during tutorial classes.

Coláiste Chraobh Abhann uses teacher 'free comments' on all school reports at Christmas, Mocks and Summer. This change results from the valued feedback received from students and parents in last year's survey on 'School Life'. The survey identified the need for more individualised comments that provided feedback to students on what they are doing well and also on how they might improve in each subject area.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on accessing the 'digital' school report


Click the LOGO above to 'Login' to VSWare using the Username and Password provided in the text message received informing you that the reports were 'live'

Mar 10
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Mar 12
Showstoppers Talent Show
Mar 13
Incoming 1st year Interviews - Online
Mar 17
School Closed - Public Holiday
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

© 2025 Coláiste Chraobh Abhann