Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

CCA School News 12 May 2023

CCA School News 12 May 2023

Peer Mentor Showcase

Transition Year students and students going straight into Fifth Year were given the opportunity to apply to become a peer mentor for the next school year. Peer Mentors are 5th Year students who lead and support first years in their transition to secondary school. The applicants had to submit a piece that showed what it would mean to them to be a peer mentor and they subsequently presented their submission to a selection committee. We had a large number of applicants this year and we were blown away by the effort and creativity that went into the submissions and the presentations. Well done to all involved.

TY Forensics

TY students had a forensics and criminology workshop with Pat from Forensic Fun. Students learned about the assassination of JFK. They looked at different evidence and clues to try and recreate what had happened. Fingerprinting and ballistics were also part of the workshop. Finally, students learned about careers in forensics.


TY students welcomed founder and former CEO of the charity GOAL, John O’Shea, for a talk today in which he passionately spoke about his work in the developing world, global issues and social entrepreneurship.

Driver Education Course

TY students completed their Driver Education Course with the Irish School of Excellence. Students learned about road safety, car mechanics and how to change a wheel safely. They learned about the rules of the road and completed a module in preparation for the Driving Theory Test. They got to experience “beer goggles” and their effects and also got to drive a car with a qualified instructor.

Senior Drama

Congratulations to all the cast and team of the CCA Player’s production of "Eclipsed" that was performed in the school. Special thanks to the Directors Ms. Clodagh Cummins, Ms. Sharon Nolan and Musical Director Mr. Macdara Burke. Framed by a present-day prologue and epilogue, the play is set in 1963 in a convent laundry at St. Paul’s Home for Penitent Women in Killmacha, Ireland. ‘Eclipsed’ explores the practice of making pregnant and unwed Irish mothers work as ‘penitents’ in church-run laundries. Supervised by nuns who regarded these women as mindless vessels of evil, the women were treated as virtual slaves and their infants were forcibly put up for adoption. The show was a great success, and was well supported by past and present students, parents, staff and the local community. Thanks to all involved in making this a very memorable evening of theatre.

Holocaust Survivor

Last Friday, we were delighted to have Tomi Reichental facilitate on online talk with our 3rd , 4th and 5th Year History students. Tomi told his story of what he experienced during the Holocaust. During the talk, he spoke about how he was taken and sent to a concentration camp in 1944. He described what he experienced there up until the camp was liberated in 1945. He spoke about how more than 30 of his family members lost their lives during the Holocaust. The students were very grateful for the opportunity to get a first-hand account of the events that occurred at the time.


Peer Mentor Showcase - CCA students who applied to be a Peer Mentor for next years First Years.

TY Forensics - CCA TY students who took part in a forensics and criminology workshop.

TY Forensics 2 - CCA TY students who took part in a forensics and criminology workshop.

GOAL - CCA TY students had a visit from John O'Shea, founder and CEO of GOAL

TY Driving - CCA TY students completing their Driver Education Course.

TY Driving 2 - CCA TY students completing their Driver Education Course.

Senior Drama - CCA Staff and Students who were involved in the production of "Eclipsed".

Senior Drama 2 - CCA students Ciara Jackson and Alanna Plunkett performing in "Eclipsed".

Senior Drama 3 - CCA students Zara Mahmoudzadeh, Acceline Beeings and Madeleine Scott performing in "Eclipsed".

CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023CCA School News 12 May 2023
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

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