Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

CCA School News 21 October 2022

CCA School News 21 October 2022
Well done to 1st and 2nd Year students Lilian and Sophie Kavanagh and Aisling and Aoife Haines who competed in the interschools showjumping competition hosted by Colaiste Bhríd on Sunday. They finished the first round with zero faults which qualified them for the jump off where they placed 7th out of 29 teams. A great day was had by all!
6th Year Biology Trip
On Friday the 6th Year Biology students visited Dublin Zoo to undertake their Ecology field trip. The students visited Dublin Zoo as part of their ecology module in biology. While there, they had the opportunity to carry out a habitat study which gave the students a deeper understanding of what ecology means. They carried out quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as collection and identification of plants and animals that lived there.
Self Defence Workshop
On Thursday and Friday, TY students took part in self defence workshops, learning how to recognise situations and how to react in them. Students covered topics such as understanding body language, conflict, protecting personal space and the law in Ireland. Students also got hands experience in pre-emptive strikes and releases.
Maths Week
This week we celebrated Maths Week in CCA. The theme of the week was "Maths is All Around Us" which was reflected in a wonderful display in the GP area created by our Transition Year students. The display focused on the different ways that Maths is used in the world around us and also how Maths is needed in some form for many different career paths.
There were many different activities throughout the week which included Jokes of the Day for tutor time and puzzles for our 3rd, 5th and 6th Year students to solve, with staff given the opportunity to try them out also. Our Second Year students were turned into human bar charts and our TY students solved an algebra Maths Murder Mystery during Maths class!
First Year students were involved in a Maths Hatter competition. Each student was given a blank template to design a Maths hat. The designs that were entered were very impressive and clearly indicated that a lot of thought and effort had gone into them. The winning designer from each tutor class was then given the opportunity to make their Maths hat with the help of a few friends and Peer Mentors. Well done to all!
TY Work Experience
We would like to wish our Transition Year students the best of luck with their work experience which they will be undertaking next week. Work experience is a very important aspect of our Transition Year programmes. Students get to try out careers that may interest them and get a taste of the working world before they enter it themselves. The students have chosen a wide range of areas to delve into and we look forward to reading their reports on their experiences.
1st Year Boys Gaelic
Our 1st year GAA team got their season underway Thursday morning away to CCM Wicklow Town.
There was great interest for the team with a panel of 23 players attending the game. It was a great open game of football with some fantastic players on both teams. There was some great defending on show and an expertly taken penalty by David McCormack.
Unfortunately CCM recorded the win but it was a good opening game for CCA with all players contributing and getting game time. Well done to all but especially those who had never played a game before.
Inside the Classroom
At the end of their 8 week module, Ms. Kehoe's TY Biology class had a hands-on practical class to inspect and dissect organs involved in the Circulatory and Respiratory Systems which they had learned about over the last 8 weeks. Each students dissected a heart and one student got a chance to blow up lungs while another student dissected another set of lungs. The tongue was present as they had completed the digestive system and food tests and linked it all together with the sense of taste.
One Good School
On Wednesday, Ms. Purdy, Ms. Wendy Lundy, students Kyle Sheeran and Grace Cullen attended the One Good School assembly in Croke Park. Former President Mary McAleese was among speakers on the day, which saw a host of activities and talks all centred around well-being and mental health in schools. The event has given us great ideas and enthusiasm as we look forward to the CCA launch next Wednesday 26th October.

Showjumping - CCA Students Lilian and Sophie Kavanagh and Aisling and Aoife Haines who competed in the interschools showjumping competition.
Biology Trip - 6th Year CCA students undertaking their ecology field trip in Dublin Zoo.
Biology Trip 2 - 6th Year CCA students undertaking their ecology field trip in Dublin Zoo.
Self Defence - CCA TY students taking part in a self defence workshop.
Self Defence 2 - CCA TY students taking part in a self defence workshop.
Maths Week 1 - CCA 1st Year students taking part in the Maths Hatter competition as part of Maths Week
Maths Week 2 - CCA 1stYear students taking part in the Maths Hatter competition as part of Maths Week
1st Year Boys Gaelic - CCA 1st Year Boys Gaelic team who recently took on CCM
One Good School - Ms. Purdy, Kyle Sheeran and Grace Cullen attending the One Good School National Assembly in Croke Park
CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022CCA School News 21 October 2022
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

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