Coláiste Chraobh Abhann

Lockdown Learning

Lockdown Learning

A week in the life of lockdown learning, we are slowly but steadily working around in the background of our computer screens.

Some of us are turning our talents to create something new challenging ourselves in ways we have never even thought was possible.

"This week I finished my knitting square which I worked on all throughout the week from my knitting module !It was very challenging at first but I finally completed it :) We’re all going to show each other what we created during our next class and start working on our big term projects which I can’t wait for.

Also this week I had a zoom meeting with everyone involved in Intervente safety day ! We all planned out the work and gave each other jobs to do. We also had to choose a theme which we’re still working on ! My job is to talk to all the year groups during assembly and tell them about our plan for the week. I’m really looking forward to this as I love getting the chance to practice my public speaking."


I finished my emoji ink design for art. We looked at an artist called Jung Jake. He creates art using emojis. I decided to try create my dog :) We then had to do a research project on him and I learnt so much about his life. As well as being an artist he is also famous for his raps ! I’m really looking forward to healthy eating week next week and I can’t wait to try cook the healthy wraps. Chefs hats and aprons at the ready, time to get busy in the kitchen.


In English we started watching persuasive videos on YouTube and analysing them, its such a different take on the adverts that we all watch sometimes mindlessly. In Film Studies we were watching the movie my left foot, it’s a an old movie(Sorry to those that don't see it as old but...) It wasn’t like a movie that I normally watch, it has a big meaning behind it and opened up our eyes to other peoples lives. In desktop publishing we were making a poster on mental well being during lockdown after the mid term we will be starting a micro:bit course which sounds interesting.

In enterprise we had a talk from John O’Shea .We got to talk to him and ask questions, it was rather interesting. He met St.Teresa of Calcutta and she convinced him to help the poor. He set up Goal which is a charity organisation, in 2012 he gave up working with goal and started talking to students to get them to convince the government. He says that young people like us has phenomenal power to change the world we live in.

His happiest moments when working with the power was when he helped a little boy suffering from Polio. He got him a wheelchair and the smile that little boy had on his face when he received that wheelchair stays with him till this day.


Coláiste Chraobh Abhann,
Co. Wicklow,

01 287 0198

© 2024 Coláiste Chraobh Abhann